Cow Jokes i hear all the time and still laugh at (Try not to laugh)

So some of my favorite Jokes and often my go to jokes are Cow jokes. The best thing about these is the they are easy to remember and have a high chance of getting a lough even from people who don’t like these kind of jokes.

Just try not to laugh. :-P

What do you call a cow with 2 legs?

Lean Beef

what do you call a cow with no legs?

Ground Beef

Where do cows get their medicine ?

At the farmacy.

what do you call a cow that just had a baby ?


what do you call a cow in an earthquake?

Milk Shake

Give it a shot on friends and family and comment how it went. I would love to know if they work on others because i am probably laughing at my own joke then seeing if it landed on the person i am telling it to.

3 Valentine's day Gifts

I am thinking of getting my wife one of these, what do you think?

Scratch-Off Valentine Jokes

This is more for kids but I think it's cute and funny to get this and leave them all over the house for her

Romantic Novelty Toilet Paper

The reason i put this in the middle is because I think it's perfect :-P

Feisty Pets Bear


This may be too much she might freak out and beat me over the head with it

Sharing smiles faster and to more people.

Sharing a smile is such a great feeling. I do it all the time and now i decided to record some of the smiles i share with people and share them with you. I uploaded them to all the other platforms, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.


BadFunnyJokes(@badfunnyjokes) has created a short video on TikTok with music original sound. More bad funny jokes on the podcast. Also available on #iTunes, #spotify and other podcast platforms.

Recently I started to post on TikTok, and so far it is going well. It seems that i am able to share more smiles on there or at least faster. To be honest i was a bit hesitant to be on the platform since there are videos on all social media already but this app has a way of pulling you in and making watching these clips fun. They claim to have an algorithm that will serve the types of videos you will like and so far it does seem to be working. i have had the app for a day now and it seems to be the start of a new addiction. If you want to follow just search for @badfunnyjokes


If you want to share a smile or joke with me don't hesitate to contact me on any of the social media platforms, in the comments below or in the contact tab of the website.

What is a Plog [Ep:1]

If you have noticed from the title today i am doing something a little different, Hopefully you will like it. I am going to try to do more of a log/blog/vlog or what I like to call a “Plog” Since this is mainly a Podcast and a vlog but vlog is not the right word. It is essentially a normal podcast but i think Plog sounds catchy. Could you imagein if that term took off. Remember, you heard it here first :-P

For this first Plog, I wanted to give you a little background about myself for those of you who might be interested, since i have gotten questions like

Why are you doing a podcast about bad funny jokes?

and comments like

Your podcast are good for a quick listen

So to start off, I am Egyptian but I did grow up In the U.S. That's why my accent is extra American. I grew up in Pennsylvania; go eagles, just kidding Believe it or not I'm actually a Cowboys fan. I know, I'm gonna get a lot of heat for that but what can I say, it all started when I was a kid and I started getting into football it was back in the early 90s when the Emmitt Smith, Michael Erving, and Troy Aikman were the triplets, not to mention my favorite player is Deion Sanders.

Anyway, I digress. Although I grew up in the USA i am currently back in Egypt. I have a computer science degrees so i am working in the Tech field. While at work I noticed i am making more and more jokes. Sometimes really bad ones and nobody really likes bad jokes in general but here in Egypt they really dont like it and these kind of jokes have a spacific word pernounced “alsh“. its not a bad work, loosely translated it means a miss or a slip; describing a joke that did not land (either on prepuce or by accident).

Most of the time i am the only one laughing and my friends and the even my wife would be like,

Dude you have to stop, you gonna get killed Banished from society

Being the stubborn person that I am I kept pursuing it. I kept making these jokes because every once in a while i would get one that really lands even with people that really hate these kind of joke and i noticed it put them in a better mood. Even the ones that did not land at least put a smile on there face. Which i loved doing as well. Believe me, i am no comedian and i know how hard it is for them to do what they do, this is why i stick to the one liners, dad jokes, and puns. If i can make someone smile i am happy.

This is why I decided since I crack myself up and there's a few people that might like it, why not actually create a Podcast and share smiles with people from all over. In addition I thought this would be a fun creative outlet for me.

Since i have a day job I wanted to make the episodes of the Podcast short for my sake and the sake of my audience. could you imagine an hour of non-stop dad jokes and puns. Unless i am mistaken. let me know in the comments below what length you would prefer. I am planning to keep the “Show me the funny series“ as is, around 5 min, while the Plogs can be a bit longer. let me know what you think.

Finally, if you are still reading, first, thank you :-) second any support you can give in terms of likes, comments, downloads, and subscriptions is greatly appreciated. It helps to know i am putting smiles on other’s faces. I hope you are enjoying this and the other content on the podcast as well as the Social media.

Don’t forget to share a smile today :-)


Do you want to know more about BadFunnyJokes? Why it started? who is Mego? A plog format is a great way to answer these questions and more ;-) ---------- [Ep:8] Show Me The Funny (Noreen vs. Mego) [Ep:12] Show Me The Funny (Omar vs.

P.S. Above is an episode summarizing what is in this post Give it a listen and let me know what you think.


Why you are here and the new look

If you like dad jokes and jokes that are so bad that they are funny you are in the right place.

Now there is a one stop shop for everything BadFunnyJokes related at

From now on the website will be main hub for everything. Make sure you sign up for the newsletter so you can get offers, jokes and be the first to know about deals before anyone on social media.

Hope you like the new look. Make sure you like, leave a comment and Share a smile and this post :-P