Cow Jokes i hear all the time and still laugh at (Try not to laugh)

So some of my favorite Jokes and often my go to jokes are Cow jokes. The best thing about these is the they are easy to remember and have a high chance of getting a lough even from people who don’t like these kind of jokes.

Just try not to laugh. :-P

What do you call a cow with 2 legs?

Lean Beef

what do you call a cow with no legs?

Ground Beef

Where do cows get their medicine ?

At the farmacy.

what do you call a cow that just had a baby ?


what do you call a cow in an earthquake?

Milk Shake

Give it a shot on friends and family and comment how it went. I would love to know if they work on others because i am probably laughing at my own joke then seeing if it landed on the person i am telling it to.