Sometimes the geek in me takes over. When I heard these bad funny pick up lines they cracked me up. When I tried them on my wife it didn't turn out too well, she almost made me sleep on the couch.
“Are you upeset over hypotenuse because you make me want to sin”
“hey Girl, your way above average don’t be mean. ”
“Hey, are you a vertical asymptote, because your beauty has no limits.”
Now a few questions come to mind, would this work on a geeky person? Would this work on a normal person? I think if you say it with the right amount of confidence and self deprecating comments you can make it work ;-)
Whether you are single or not share a smile with these pick up lines and let us know if you use any of the lines or all of these lines, write in the comments if it worked and what happened.
*Disclaimer: I am not responsible for who you use these lines on nor their reactions
Share a smile and this post today :-)
BTW, i convinced my wife to do an episode one time. Listen below or here. Let me know what you think.